I am extremely limited on both physical space and on budget, but I’m going to see how I like reloading.



  1. learn another useful skill
  2. make 8x57mm in the configuration I want. It is not a popular round, and the ammo that is available is often derated or corrosive.
  3. make 9mm so I can practice more. Specifically I want to practice with ammo that is the same or similar to what I actually carry.

bucket list

  • make reloading “stool”
  • learn to clean brass
  • build cheap tumbler
  • learn to deprime

  • 9mm
    • make first minimal loads
    • fire first handloads first minimal loads with FMJ, work up to normal loads, practice shooting
    • 9mm carbine? 124gr normal? 147gr with reduced throw?
    • bookmarks
      • https://forums.brianenos.com/topic/245972-best-powder-for-9mm-blowback-carbine/
      • https://www.rugerforum.net/threads/reloading-specifically-for-9mm-pc-carbine.377749/
  • 8x57mm Mauser
    • make first minimal loads
    • fire first handloads with FMJ, work up to normal loads, practice shooting
    • work up a softpoint load
    • reform .30-06, .270, etc brass into 8x57

blue sky

If I won the lottery I’d pick up a Garmin Xero chronograph.

Srsly: do not take my word (or anyone else’s) on matters of reloading. Read the manuals and be safe.