heading back up in elevation

winter errands done

I spend at least part of the winter in El Paso to get VA and other stuff done. This year I stayed until the first week of Feb.

Highs were knocking on 80F and I was overspending my monthly budget so I knew it was time to move on. I stopped at a Maverick station on the way out of town to fill up since I noticed one of the pumps had a tallboy spigot next to it. About 15 gallons each of fuel and water. :-)

Las Cruces

I staged outside ELP in Las Cruces in case I had to hop back for another VA appt. Didn’t happen so I did my 14d there then moved on.


more errands

I had to print/sign/scan some more VA paperwork so I stopped at the public library to do that. While I waited for the lib to open I updated devices, downloaded media, etc, on the wifi. Got my stuff scanned and will upload later today.

An grocery store is beside the library so while downloads finished up I walked over to look for deals. Found 1lb of preformed hamburger patties for ~4.50 so I picked that up. Made two in cast iron last night for dinner.

Stopped by the salvage grocery and picked up a few things. It’s more thrift and less grocery these days but still worth a look. On the thrift side I picked up some used “trail running” type shoes for $4.25 (sale on all shoes). Got two more boxes of matzoh ball soup mix for $0.85 each. Each batch does require two eggs but I have some remaining.


It was several degrees cooler in Alamogordo, quite welcome. Then of course the cold front that’s freezing the eastern half of the US…. Hard freezes in the 20s both mornings so far. It was 30F this morning in the van but Muffin and I were comfy under light blankets on the heated mattress pad.

There will be a few high-70s days in the next ten but should settle back down in to highs in the 60s.
