backchannel: OEM converters and LFP batteries

from a thread in /r/RVliving;

I have a mid 90’s [RV] and I’m building a solar set up with [LiFePO4] batteries. Am I correct to think the [stock] dc converter will not support charging those batteries?

I provided a link on how to make such a determination, given converter details and how the RV is to be used.

Others chimed in with the predictable and confident “OMG you need to replace it with a Li-Compatible converter”. Since it’s easier to be told what to do than learn how stuff works, OP took their word for it.

I’m pretty convinced that I will need something other than my converter to charge these batteries

It doesn’t matter to me what OP decides, or how/if he spends his money. When someone asks a question within my limited area of expertise I try to provide enough information that they can make an informed decision. The horse has been led to water and IDGAF if he drinks or stays thirsty.

I’m building a somewhat budget friendly system

In general, one can save a lot of money on the power setup by learning how things work, and what one actually needs.

Specifically, if someone is doing a budget-constrained upgrade to LFP it would be a good idea to see if:

  1. a converter/charger upgrade is warranted; and
  2. if any given converter considered as a replacement would do the job any better, or at least enough better to justify the cost.

Since OP declined to mention the converter make/model or the intended use of the RV it is impossible for onlookers to make useful product recommendations.
