misc: IP split pea soup, processing OTA video files, holiday casuals
three-day weekends and casual campers
The quiet has been broken by an infestation of locusts casual campers that swarm every long weekend.
- inexperienced campers struggling to set up their rigs
- open-frame contractor generators
- UTV louts tearing things up at 11pm1
- loud music
- loud conversation; if others can make out your conversation from outside your campsite you’re too loud.
cooking split peas in the Instant Pot
This would be more fitting for a cold winter day but turned out quite nice. I had some corn that needed cooking and found a tin of chicken I’ve been meaning to do something with.
processing Over The Air television video
I’m catching the programs on a cheap DVR tuner, moving the files to laptop for processing, then moving them to the OSMC pi media player.
A couple things need to be done:
- remove errors - OTA broadcasts have a lot of errors that you normally can’t see
- normalize audio - OTA digital audio is often quite low
- downsize to 360p to save space - 360p is fine for me and saves a ton of space
sample 480p file
Height : 480 pixels
Duration : 1 h 0 min
693006336 KOB-DT2-05262023-1400.mts
682469704 temp.mts
247981851 KOB-DT2-05262023-1400.mts.360p.mp4
Started out at ~693MB, and the error-stripped temp file was ~682MB. Using the whole filesizes about 1.5% of the frames were removed.
After normalizing and re-encoding we are down to ~250MB/hour.
sample 1080p file
Height : 1 080 pixels
Duration : 31 min 52 s
2608791552 KOBDT1-05272023-2300-1.mts
2510761056 temp.mts
194150975 KOBDT1-05272023-2300-1.mts.360p.mp4
A couple things here. 2.6GB down to ~194MB is a big reduction, and still quite watchable. It’s a half-hour show so it’s about 400MB/hour; the video is not just “taller” but also wider. I suppose I could scale it to the native width of my monitor but I have not done so yet.
Note the -1.mts suffix. This is the second half of a recording that was broken up to avoid going over the FAT32 filesize limit:
2608791552 KOBDT1-05272023-2300.mts
2608791552 KOBDT1-05272023-2300.mts1
Dorking with the extension doesn’t matter to the native tuner, but confuses things once the file leaves the reservation. So this one-liner finds and renames the problem files:
if [ -f "*.mts1" ] ; then rename 's/.mts1/-1.mts/' *.mts1; fi
sample file with dropouts
Height : 480 pixels
Duration : 8 h 57 min
2564591616 StartTV-05262023-2000.mts
2466128352 temp.mts
456496983 StartTV-05262023-2000.mts.360p.mp4
This file really isn’t ~9 hours long; it’s a two hour block2 as the ~456MB final size suggests. The OTA dropouts caused file corruption that the cleaning routine couldn’t fix. Played normally in uncorrupted areas, with hangs/pixelation in the corrupted areas.
During processing the bad spots looked like this:
~~~ [mpeg2video @ 0x563773be1e00] concealing 968 DC, 968 AC, 968 MV errors in P frame StartTV-05262023-2000.mts: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0 More than 1000 frames duplicated
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