shower thought: when to buy the camper
As I noted on CRVL forums I am starting to see used Promasters (some with a bit of warranty left) on the used market under the $20k mark. Mostly 136” models; I figure more of those were sold in the first place.
upside of buying soon
There are some advantages to buying soon (late 2017), and I don’t think this is only justification on my part:
get a start on a build
take weekend trips for pleasure and testing (and spend time with the gf)
lock in lower interest rate
upside of waiting
Waiting allows me to keep feeding pre-tax accounts for retirement, which also funds things like my military service purchase. Here is the timeline for those spends (talking mainly to myself here:
Sept 1, 2017 - buy the other 3 years military service credit
Sept 1, 2018 - buy 4 months of prior probation period credit
Sept 1, 2021 - buy 3 years of additional service credit
All that is set up to be met by my current contributions (ie, requiring no further effort on my part).
a possible compromise
I’d ruled out the early purchase because I was unwilling to stop the flow into my retirement accounts.
Then I realized the cost of the loan + insurance is less than the amount of rent + utilities I’m paying now. Hmmm. I’d save about $25 in gas and about 10 hours a week of commute time.
There are complications that block this path:
weather in Texas. Since I can’t snowbird to cooler temps (or altitudes) I’d have to find a parking lot or some other accomodation with a 15A electrical service. I’ve designed the platform to run off a normal residential plug.
I have two rescue dogs. They have a dog run now but wouldn’t have them in the aforementioned acommodation.
Still, something to ponder while I drive to work each day.