reloading: refining .380 acp and 9mm loads


Shot the first handloads for he .380 100gr plated RN; ~starting load and +0.2gr. Both ran great and felt great. I see little reason to increase the charge. Gordon’s estimates 791fps/139ft-lb and 827fps/152ft-lbs respectively out of the 2.75” LCP barrel.
Next up will be some HP.

9mm (carbine)

124gr challenges

Shot 124g loads; seems too light for the carbine. After reviewing the data back at the camper I realized the 995’s 16.5” barrel was allowing the little 124gr were actually or potentially over for Berry’s stated velocity limit (1250fps). The loads were 1247fps/427ft-lbs and 1280fps/451ft-lbs. Backing off 0.2gr should result in 1213fps/405ft-lbs.

Out of the subcompact carry sidearms the hotter of those two would be ~994fps/272ft-lbs. Backing off a notch below the lower one to be carbine-tolerant would put it at ~928/237ftlbs.

I think I’ll make 10 of the derated and run them through both to make sure they run ok. Then standardize on that 124gr load, or load differently for the carbine?

what this suggests about 115gr

115gr plated wouldn’t be a great fit. It’d have to be loaded very light to avoid the fps limit.

147gr was easy

Shot 147gr RN out of the carbine. Both worked well and felt great for the platform. Gordon’s says 1102fps/397ftlbs and 1135fps/421ftlbs. No signs of overpressure and Gordon’s estimates +0.2gr will still be under max so I’ll load a few of those. 1167fps/445ftlbs.
