reloading: follow up at the range

re-testing the Kel-Tec

Spend some time on the P11 last night; it showed real evidence of complete neglect the last few years that it sat on the shelf.

Took it out today and it ate everything I fed it.

testing some retail 147gr FN

I was looking for some 147gr RN to see if it would cycle OK in the carbine; I’d like to work up a heavy load for it. There was no RN 147gr at Cabela’s but they had some flat nose.

Fired and cycled fine, would not feed from the magazine. I might have had two good feeds out of the 11 I shot. It doesn’t seem especially odd in COL (1.120”) so maybe it’s the shape. Hmmm. I didn’t pay much attention to how I loaded the mag so maybe I’ll try that too.

I’d like to try 124gr FP ad 147gr FMJ to see what happens.

BTW, the 147gr in the Kel-Tec functioned flawlessly but was unpleasant to shoot in that lightweight sidearm. Gonna file that under Things That Aren’t Fun At All.
