backchannel: EpEver shooting themselves in the foot

I want to like EpEver controllers. The hardware is decent and the price is good. But the firmware or MPPT algorithm has serious issues when negotiating challenging conditions. Here is my comment on their troubleshooting video:

Perhaps you could do one where the EpEver MPPT algorithm crashes Vpanel to Vbatt+1v when a cloud passes or load added, and won’t recover until PV input is cut and restored. Even then it might not work; you can watch the controller go right past the array Vmp and get stuck at Vbatt+1.

Countless videos of that behavior on YouTube, including my own (Sulfa4Pg). I saw it on all 4 of my Epever+array combos (Model numbers from memory: 2x 5215AN, .4215N, 1210A.)

In my own video the controller took ~13mins to find Vmp (~90.9v) , after which is crashes down to Vbatt+1v again. The day of that video was the final straw; I ordered controllers from a competitor and have had zero issues with the exact same arrays and wiring. Only changed out the EpEver controllers.

Yes, I contacted support. No, they did not understand the issue (or pretended not to). I predict any reply to this comment will be “please contact support”. No. I binned your controllers and no longer recommend them to others.

I didn’t say so in the comment, but I replaced the EpEver with a Victron 150/45 and Victron 75/15.
