Coming down the mountain

(apologies to Jane’s Addiction)

the decision to bail

A few factors conspired:

  • it was raining and cold on the mountain; 44F this morning
  • the data was awful and I had VA tele-health appts coming up
  • if I was going to get re-situated somewhere it needed to be before the long weekend started (casual camper apocalypse)
  • I desperately needed to do laundry and really wanted a shower

in town

order of events

  1. laundry
  2. Planet Fitness for shower and some D/L while I was there
  3. Smith’s next door for markdown trawling. Got Italian sausage, ranch dip, two different types of deli chicken and some kind of Reese’s Kit Kat competitor for half price or less. Store brand cheese on sale.
  4. public library to complete the D/L and update devices

boondocking outside town

Temps will hit 80F a couple times next week so I returned to NF land outside town where it’s ~5F cooler. By the time my 14d is up temps will be more consistently in the 70s. At that point I’ll likely stealth camp in the city for a while, taking advantage of PF, Smiths, dog parks, etc.

The entry loop to Headquarters Well is closed by the NF so I went further in to avoid the closed area. It’s a remote enough spot that I might be spared the long-weekenders.
