New spot near southern NV/UT border

I finished out my 14 days in my Pahrump and was ready for a warmer spot.  My mail package got in from El Paso, including my wildly overdue last paycheck.  It will pay for Jan-Mar living expenses, the dental I got in Juarez in Dec, and a couple other items.  Back to zero, but at least not behind any more.

I am near Mesquite, NV now at about 1300’, which means it should be few degrees warmer.  The generalization held because I am typing this in a tshirt rather than the hoodie and fingerless gloves I was wearing this morning.  A barely-percepticble breeze, unlike the steady blowing in Pahrump.

There is a snowcapped mountain to my east and the Virgin River valley down the hill from me.  It’s beautiful, like a scene from a western.  Dunno if anything has ever been filmed out here or not.

The geography is wildly varied, lots to walk up and down.  Doggo should like that.

2 bars of Verizon is solid, and I have both ATT and TMO bars on my other phone.

[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”1280”] view from the office, looking north[/caption]


my immune system is probably being tested.  Shortly before leaving Pahrump I stopped in at a Walmart, careful to preserve my distance.  An employee came rocketing around the corner and coughed right in my face from two feet away.  So we’ll see.

Luckily, I don’t have any contact with anyone and will be out here alone for the next 14 days.  The mean incubation period is 5.x days, so I should have symptoms by mid-week if those little viruses took root.

Bonus pics

last night in Pahrump, rain falling but evaporating in mid-air:

Clouds at Red Rocks Canyon.  Everyone pulled over to take pics:

The drive from Pahrump to Las Vegas is gorgeous.

It’s a little early, but I’m celebrating the successful relo with a kosher dill pickle and a very cold Coors. It’s dead quiet except for the occasional hum of the fridge.
