quick note


The van is ready but still have to get rid of stuff in the rental house.  Thrift store box van is coming by this weekend to take everything that is re-sellable.

Already sold tractor and pickup.  Only Honda motorcycle remains.


a text I sent my dad

yesterday [here] and el paso the high was the same but literally half the humidity of here .  ELP's low was 8deg cooler overnight.  I think cooldown temps at night are really important

artificial (lack of) intelligence

A piece of paper landed on my android phone in front of a fan and it interpreted the flopping paper as typing.  Cut and pasted the results:

Do they need ready rddred the dr I redeemed eeederdd daddy rrdedr the drdrdr the Dr deded ddrdrd drdddrddd the Dr ddrd the drdrdr dd rrdddd red 3rdrrddreedeeerderrrdeerdrdedrd Dr r the Dr rd dddrdddd red eddeded d detergent detective detected Dr said ddéeddrred dedd email eeddreddeddd rddd r rrd the drdrdr the 4dderdddddeddedeedrddddddeddddd Dr dtdd  ed r r the eddrdddrdtd I d d detergent and ddrd ddrd the drdrdr 4reddddddddtdrdeddddrdeddd email me the Dr office ddderddd erdd the drdrdr édd edtddddrdrxer ended red rdt need DTD édd d I d dedd dddrdddd ddderddd ddrd drdddrddd ddd drdddrddd the ddeddd dedd dddrdddd ddderddd deredr4dd the Dr said it didn't rd did ddd xexrddddddedd do dd the drdrdr the eee I reread it and chickenshit t I don't have any é d and chickenshit and even red eye r Dr said eye dryer redeemed eeederdd do red d the Dr d r rrd and even though eed I don't have drdd I am doing dd r eye redeemed r see ddredttddddddddr rddd the Dr do ddd see December December December and I will ddd ddd ddrdrd Dr Dr ee I don't é did ddd day eyes ddéeddrred ddéeddrred ddéeddrred eddded Ed rrd the drdrdr the eee the drdrdr dddddddddrdde the drdrdr eed did do a past due d d DD free DD free and chickenshit do dinner d the drdrdr do you have ddddddeddddddddddddd re do they have a lot of work to do they are not going re d the red and do they have dddrdddd do you have done for day do we red eeddreddeddd rdddddeddder ed r r redeemed redeemed redeemed my way home from work rd r r redeemed 4rerddrrdddrdd Ed ee I ddder the drdrdr the eternal rest é Dr said red eeddreddeddd rdddddeddder do e the drdrdr the red one drdd do they really rerd the drdrdr r r redeemed 4edrddd Dr appointment tomorrow at work to get the drdrdr the r dddddddddrdde do dd I don't know if Ed ee I am not going red roof re the Ed r do rerd édd Ed rerd the drdrdr eed r do dinner ready and chickenshit do DD free r d the Dr office and chickenshit and d do they need Rd addddddedddddddddddddddddddddrrerD
